
ICR mice

Column:Experimental Animal Time:2022-01-21 Browsing volume: 381
Source: in 1948, Hauschka of the Institute of cancer research (ICR) in Philadelphia, USA, with the goal of high yield, selected and bred the Swiss mouse population bred by Rockfeller Institute to cultivate HA / ICR;

Source: in 1948, Hauschka of the Institute of cancer research (ICR) in Philadelphia, USA, with the goal of high yield, selected and bred the Swiss mouse population bred by Rockfeller Institute to cultivate HA / ICR;
After that, the American Cancer Research Association sent it to various countries to feed experimental countries, which are called ICR mice. It was introduced from the national rodent experimental animal seed
center on January 5, 2009.

Characteristics: closed group mice have albino hair color, strong adaptability, strong physique, strong fecundity, fast growth speed and good experimental repeatability. It is mainly used for physiology, safety test
and embryo research.

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