
SD rats

Column:Experimental Animal Time:2022-01-21 Browsing volume: 388
Introduction: closed group rats are the earliest, most widely used and most numerous experimental animal species introduced in China. They have fast growth and good breeding


Introduction: closed group rats are the earliest, most widely used and most numerous experimental animal species introduced in China. They have fast growth and good breeding
performance. They are mostly used in safety tests and research related to nutrition and growth and development. The strain is sensitive to sex hormones and has strong resistance
to respiratory diseases. It is widely used in pharmacology, toxicology, pharmacodynamics and GLP experiments.

General biological characteristics: reproductive performance: litter rate: 92 ~ 95%; Average litter size: 9.96 ~ 12.07; Fetal interval: 28 ~ 52 days; The survival rate after weaning was
95 ~ 98%.

Main applications:

(1) Pharmaceutical research

(2) Tumor research

(3) Research on nutrition and metabolism

(4) Neuroendocrine Research

(5) Research on hygiene

(6) Gerontology and Geriatrics Research

(7) Family planning research

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